Please Follow Your Local City And State Laws Regarding The Display And Possession Of Fireworks.
Step 1: Set up the crowd!
First, you must set up a spectator area away from the fireworks’s display. 80 feet is the minimum for aerial fireworks. But for fountains and wheels, you can be much closer (12 feet). So set up your display accordingly. If you plan on rocking your crowd with mortars, tubes, and 100-shot repeaters, keep them at the safest distance!
Launch Zone:
Level ground, no dry grass, no trees, never upwind from the crowd, and away from any buildings are all musts for your display area, where you will be lighting off your fireworks.
There should also be a large open area for any debris left from the fireworks you are shooting to fall away from your crowd. This should be a large area, and nothing that could possibly catch fire should be around this area. Set this area downwind from where you will be shooting off your fireworks. Also, clean up this area after you launch and after the debris is given a chance to cool off.
Step 2: Choose your fireworks!
There are many different types of fireworks you can use in your show. If you're looking for a big, powerhouse show to excite the crowd, you’ll need tubes and aerial repeaters. If you're looking to please a smaller crowd with smaller items, you can use Roman candles, helicopters, and fountains.
Step 3: Turn off your display!
Now comes the fun part! Pleasing your crowd! Depending on what type of show you are doing, you want to keep your crowd happy at all times. This means setting up the show ahead of time so that you are ready to quickly, but carefully, launch your fireworks. You may want to start off your show with a slightly larger, eye-catching item to set the tone, then move back into smaller things, then up into your mortars and tubes and smaller repeaters. Always leave your biggest item for last, as your “grand finale!" It might be a good idea to have multiple lighters and someone there to hold a flashlight at the fuse for you at all times. You may also want to get something slightly larger than a normal cigarette lighter to make it easier to light the firework and get away.
Step 4: Clean up!
Never just leave the spent cases of your fireworks or the debris that has fallen from them laying around. Wait for them to cool off, then clean them up properly. Also, it may not be a good idea to burn the garbage on a fire if you happen to be camping. There may be some left-over powder in the casings that could cause sparks or even worse.
Remember to be safe, and please do not rely on our source to be your only source! Be careful at all times. Let's prove to our state just how safe consumer fireworks are so that they can someday be legal in all 50 United States of America!!
If you live in or want to enjoy your fireworks in New Hampshire, please click on the Community Restrictions list below to see which towns or cities allow fireworks to be used in their communities and which of those have restrictions. When in doubt, call the fire department in the town you have questions about to see if consumer fireworks are allowed to be used there.
Follow your state and city laws. It is your responsibility to know your local laws and ordinances for fireworks. Safe handling of fireworks is important to create wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. Fireworks can be stored for long periods of time without degrading their performance if they are kept in dry conditions. Temperature is not a factor.
Wednesday - Thursday:
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday - Saturday:
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday - Tuesday:
© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Hilltop Fireworks